Hitler As Jew, Netanyahoo
©2024 DMS3

Who could better fit the mold?
Then a questionable man whose got no soul.

Running amuck from his swindles and frauds.
Murdering Palestinians without any regard.

A guy with a lifetime of continued affairs
While his wives sit home thinking he’s fair.

A large-eared fellow with a rather fat ass
That has no idea of or ever had class.

A disgrace to Jews all over the world
And he runs at the mouth with lies he unfurls.

The hangman’s noose hangs at the ready
To take that fat neck and pop it so steady

A pathetic fat fellow whose mother still cries
“Oy vey!, He’s still alive?”

So now that he has shown his Hitler side proudly
Let’s close down his GENOCIDE and denounce him most loudly.

A Hitler-Act-Alike total fool,
A Nazi ghoulish NetanyaHOO!

Here’s a thought to ponder in your spare mental time.

What if after WWII the Allied Powers said:

We agree that the Third Reich should be put in charge of investigating The Holocaust
to determine if they find ANY “wrong doing” or “misuse“ of power” in regard to the treatment of
prisoners being held in Nazi concentration camps throughout the region.

And after this investigation, report their findings to a world body.

Now, what do you think the findings would have been?

Fast forward to right now:

The U.S. State Department is “. . . reviewing plans to sanction the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) unit the Netzah Yehuda battalion for committing human rights violations in the West Bank.

It seems that violations in the West Bank that were not dealt with by the IDF would increase the likelihood that the International Criminal Court would issue arrest warrants for Israeli soldiers and officers.

The U.S. was going to investigate the Netzah Yehuda for war crimes and if it was found that they had committed them discontinue funding to them specifically until they stop and correct their behavior.

You may ask, how would that be possible when we don’t know exactly where the money we send them goes anyway. And we have NO IDEA where the money we send Ukraine ends up.

Although Zelensky and his business partners have several offshore companies and properties, according to financial documents leaked in 2021 …………. well a guy has to make a living.

As for Netzah Yehuda they are a brutal West Bank battalion comprised of ultra-orthodox Israeli soldiers, which have been under review by the U.S. State Department since 2022. (Just a reality check …. it is now 2024!) That is some thorough review of brutality, child rape, torture, and beating old people to death.

And this was in the West Bank!

Now two other civilian units that were responsible for incidents of gross human rights violations against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank were also under review as well.

These units went through effective remediation and continue to be eligible for U.S. security assistance.

Would you believe effective remediation included bringing back to LIFE the old people beaten to death? Well …………….. me either!

But the Netzah Yehuda is still being investigated.

The United States is required to consult with Israel on actions that fall under the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act, but if the Israeli Government does not take the appropriate accountability actions the U.S. can shut down funding to specific groups. Sure sounds good, talk, talk, talk.

Well, Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, told reporters a week or so ago that  “. . . I think it’s fair to say that you’ll see results very soon. I’ve made determinations; you can expect to see them in the days ahead.”

Of course Israel PM Netanyahu slammed Biden’s plans to sanction IDF’s Netzah Yehuda Unit.

“At a time when our soldiers are fighting terrorist monsters, the intention to sanction a unit in the IDF is the height of absurdity and a moral low,” Netanyahu wrote on X.

But rather effective SHIT. Only because Genocide-Joe is a dead man walking without any brains at all!

AND NOW >>>>>>>>>

Washington will not go ahead with punitive actions it has been considering against Israeli military and police units alleged to have committed human rights violations against Palestinians, including the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, according to an ABC News report on Friday (4/26/24).

While the Biden administration has determined “gross human rights violations” were committed by Israel Defense Forces against Palestinians in the West Bank, according to the report, the relevant battalions will remain eligible for United States military aid.
———- The times of Israel

Tubularsock is sure that recognizing “gross human rights violations” have been committed and continuing to provide arms to the violator is A WAR CRIME IN ITSELF!

Well …… only if Russia or Iran does it.

Maybe Israel themselves could investigate themselves.

It does give Tubularsock comfort that American Hypocrisy is alive and well on the world stage.


Posted: April 18, 2024 in 2024 Election

What About Election Theft?

If you are just waking up to our political system you may have discovered that it is in no way close to being “democratic”.

“The PEOPLE’S right to choose”! Horse Shit!

THEY have got to be kidding! (THEY ARE!)

And of course there is the old adage that, “if you don’t vote you don’t have any right to complain”. Bull Shit!

Not voting is the ultimate NO VOTE!

But be aware that shooting your opponent in the head and killing he/her/them/they/LGBT, LGBTI, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQI, LGBTQIA, LGBTQQ, LGBTQQIA, is still considered murder.
(somehow in the olden days it was a bit simpler to identify people) ME MAN, ME WOMAN!

Now it is not that YOU don’t HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE. You can vote but that isn’t where the decision is made.

THE DECISION is made by the power elites WHO (for you) CHOOSE WHO YOU GET TO VOTE FOR! That doesn’t even sound democratic, now does it?

Well it isn’t democratic but if you don’t stand against it, well it will never change. It really is up to YOU!

“Again and again in history some people wake up

They have no ground in the crowd and to broader
deeper laws

They carry strange customs with them
and demand room for bold and audacious action

The future speaks ruthlessly through them

They change the world”

…….. Rainer Maria Rilke

It appears to Tubularsock that we have waited far too long to alter the destruction of our civilization but on the bright side YOU may be the one to roll up your sleeves and pull the first brick from the wall.

OTHERS WILL FOLLOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRoCIu67emw

(You’ll may have to copy this link and enter it into your system yourself)

The mind is a marvelous invention. It works even better if you use it.

YOU create your own reality …….. be very careful.


It really gets tiring and morose listening to all the crap that NOT-TIN-YAHOOO spiels out along with the rest of those Zionist Assholes that has convinced Tubularsock that the Zionists just can’t cooperate with others on the playground!

And much of this mess could be considerably altered for the better if the U.S. would STOP sending money and arms to Israel. PERIOD!

Tubularsock, after deep consideration, has come to understand that THE ONLY thing that the Israelis have learned from the Holocaust is how to create one themselves!


Daniel Mate’ encapsulates the entire Zionist issue rather well here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guxkmRPSTlI

And NOT-TIN-YAHOOO has grabbed the low-ground and run with it in order to cover his own corrupt-ass!

At what point will the Israeli citizens wake up to the fact that this has all been a facade to cover NOT-TIN-YAHOOO’s corrupt ass!

But you know when you hang around the cesspool long enough, every turd known to man shows up. Enter stage RIGHT ……………. JARED KUSHNER!

Talking about a negative stereotypical Jew Image!

Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.

Wow! Anything for a buck.

And if Tubularsock has to listen ad nauseam to another State Department Asshole tell us all that “We will write ANOTHER ‘strongly worded’ letter telling Israel to follow International Law and not murder Palestinian ‘men, women, and children’ indiscriminately”, Tubularsock is going to vomit!

And then Sleepy-Joe has morphed into Genocide-Joe before our very eyes because HIS only solution is to provide more BOMBS to Israel. Ahhh, Joe that ain’t going to work. Nor is your EMPTY bull-shit babbling.

Maybe it is time for the U.S. to bomb Israel and eliminate the Zionists and start over. Pass Tubularsock a bagel, hold the cream-cheese!

Rep. Jared Moskowitz —- cum now!

Tubularsock just loves gossip. And the dumbness of gossip makes it funny.

No matter how Harsh it happens to be.

And often gossip is wayyyy off the mark and that is where the REAL fun starts.

Florida’s Representative in Congress, Jared Moskowitz sent out the following “tweet”:

It was meant as a joke but he awakened to the fact that it was, according to him, “inappropriate”.

Boy oh boy, Jared you aren’t much fun!

But this is where Tubularsock comes to the rescue! And on a WHITE horse, of course!

Jared, you have to be more accurate about GrandPa Joe the walking cadaver.

Your “cartoon” would be much closer to the truth with this rendition:

Jared, PedaJoe would have been intimidated by your rendition!

Tubularsock’s rendition pins the tail on the donkey!

Don’t thank Tubularsock now and please consult Tubularsock so he can keep you on track.

Tubularsock is positive that your communications director will be behind both of us.

Oh. And in your spare time maybe you could stop Israel from continuing the current GENOCIDE!

Way back in the last century, Tubularsock taught high school history for many years until he discovered that in order to eat well, a person needed a job that paid enough so one could do just that.

As a teacher often you are paid a very low salary yet carry a huge responsibility, if one takes their career to heart. Now things have improved somewhat, but back in the good old days Tubularsock figured out that his hourly wage hovered at just about EIGHTY CENTS an hour.

Now this isn’t based on the time spent in the classroom, but on the time reading and commenting on the students’ work and creating lectures and activities to enhance a study that is not at the top of a teenager’s mind.

But today we as a culture have reached the pinnacle of teaching/student success.

And Tubularsock is speaking of AI !

Yes, AI!

Don’t think so? Well here is where we as a culture are headed, and the first beginnings are happening NOW!

Students have discovered that they can turn over ANY subject to their computer and plug in a subject and allow ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to write their paper for them.

However the student has nothing on the teacher!

So what we now have is AI collective knowledge being evaluated, corrected and graded by AI!

Finally! Just what is the purpose of the teacher and the student any longer?



Which means that when a human makes a mistake because human thought is always in slower motion than there is a possibility of correcting it before whatever disaster happens. Or at least sometimes.

When that same mistake is followed by AI, by the time AI recognizes it is an error AI has acted on it and bye-bye baby!

What’s next?

Think Junior Prom!

You sit home alone and plug in your AI and “date” your perfect date selection and dance the night away. AHHHH, what memories …… JUST PERFECT!

And the chance of pregnancy is foiled!

Here is looking for a bright and ideal future!


Tubularsock has been sitting in Tubularsock’s top floor corner office in his Underground Bunker overlooking Washington, D.C. from Oakland, CA. (see BUNKER TOUR) and viewing the sheer stupidity of this Government of RETARDS running all of us as fast as they can to WWIII!

And when one really stops and thinks on this this might be what is really meant by Salvation!

And yet, Tubularsock can’t speak for you but Tubularsock isn’t ready to go yet!

Anyway, way back in the time machine, our Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his wife Evan Ryan had their second child pop-out and Fatherly magazine ran an article by Ryan Britt entitled, “What Biden’s New Secretary of State Means For Toddler Dads”.

Tubularsock kids you not!

Britt writes, “Having someone as Secretary of State who knows what it’s like to be a parent of toddlers feels like the kind of representation that matters for parents. Biden, Harris, and Blinken will need to do a lot of political maneuvering to do their jobs effectively — and who knows how to do difficult maneuvers better than the parents of toddlers?”

So true, but what Britt hadn’t counted on as he wrote: “He’s going to remember his tiny kids while he’s doing his job. And in that way, hopefully, he’ll bring that mix of gentleness and firmness that every toddler dad tries to cultivate”.

What Britt didn’t anticipate was that Blinken had the extended ability to blow other people’s children apart with his “firmness”!

The question Tubularsock wishes to ask, not to Blinken, but to his wife Evan, “Were you aware when you married this guy that he had the ability to bomb and maim and kill innocent women and children IN MASS!”

A man who supports and defends a HOLOCAUST!

And now knowing that ……. why haven’t you taken the kids and LEFT?

Unless you too are a big supporter of HOLOCAUSTS! Are you?

Well Evan are you still a big supporter of Peace Players International? You remember, the non-profit organization that uses sports to educate young people “living in communities in conflict”?

Maybe old pedophile-Joe and his side-kick Antony can kick the bombs about with the kids and see what conflict looks like!

Well Secretary of State Antony Blinken has sure picked a great legacy to be remembered by in future history books. DEAD WOMEN AND DEAD CHILDREN!

Oh Tubularsock knows the old excuse, “I was just following orders!”

Heil to that, Antony!

You may know or you may not that January 27th has been declared (back in the 1990’s) International Holocaust Remembrance Day.


Simple. Israel is on its way to attempting to wipe out the Palestinian People at the present moment. AND NOW Israel is presently conducting genocide of the Palestinian People but this is all just a “copycat” activity for attention. Tubularsock supposes.

If all this is kept up by next year Israel will have to share Holocaust Remembrance Day with the Palestinian People and this will end all this whiny “I lost my relatives in the Holocaust” shit because ……. join the fucking crowd!

The amazing thing is the only group in the world that are attempting to stop the Israeli-orchestrated GENOCIDE directly are the Houthi. A rag-tag group of poor people that are throwing a monkey-wrench into world commerce in the Red Sea. AND THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE A NAVY!

And sure the U.S. and the British have bombed Yemen. That is how “democracy” acts. As usual.

Let us just admit the obvious. The great experiment of Jews and Arabs living next to each other got off to a very bad start. The first sign back in 1948 when Jews were shipped into the Arab land and stole the property from those WHO WERE ALREADY LIVING THERE was not a very good approach at “neighborhoodism”.

Doesn’t seem like a “good neighbor policy” to Tubularsock!

So Tubularsock has about the only plan to remedy this entire mess and it is pretty easy with a little cooperation from ALL the people involved.

ONE: The International Community provide Busses (not box cars) and have all the Israelis who wish to cooperate with the world community get on the Busses and be transported to Egypt.

TWO: Then they will disembark from the buses into a very complete “tent-city” with a HUGE fence around it for the protection of EVERYONE!

THREE: In the meantime the Palestinians would reclaim their land and live where they were driven from and thus have the full right of return.

FOUR: The International Community will oversee the FORMER Israelis by providing them with an Internationally Run Government. The Israelis will be able to vote but the IRG (Internationally Run Government) will make ALL decisions. Similar to the way Gaza has been run except by different people. AND IT WILL BE JUST AS FAIR!


SIX: No food, water, medicine will be allowed in the “tent-city” without the approval of the IRG. in order to provide safety.

Well that is the basic plan that Tubularsock has come up with but the idea is open ended so you may wish to add to the concept down in the comments.

There is just one item of business that still needs to be addressed.

This anti-semitic horseshit that is thrown around so freely like it might just hurt your feelings some how anytime you may criticize a Jewish anything. “You’re anti-semitic”!

“Semitism” can be applied to all Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians.

A “Semite” is simply a person who speaks a Semitic language!

BUT INTERESTINGLY the Jews adopt the term ANTI-Semitism for THEMSELVES whenever they feel picked on.

But in truth, if you had bad things to say about Arabs you would be an antisemite as well.

For Tubularsock it really doesn’t apply because remember Tubularsock is an EGALITARIAN and thereby hates EVERYONE EQUALLY!

But just because of this Middle Eastern mess, Tubularsock will from this day forward eat only Chinese Bagels! THAT WILL SHOW THEM!

And as for true peace on this planet ………….. hand Tubularsock the RED button!

Well Christmas is over and the New Year has started just in time to get pre-prepared for Christmas 2024. Are you ready?

Well Tubularsock is going to advise that you go out and buy

Trace Hentz’s new book ALMOST DEAD INDIANS.

Here is the amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CR5KB27Y

Tubularsock has read Trace’s new book and can not help but recommend it highly.

If you haven’t kept up with the Indian movement in the U.S. you need to read this book. It centers on the tragic history of the INDIAN ADOPTION PROJECTS in the U.S. and makes clear just how screwed up the racist actions of the government and religious organizations have been for decades.

Though it did make Tubularsock angry, it is not a new emotion for Tubularsock. But it also helped to fill in many spaces in Tubularsock’s knowledge of specific policies of adoption and our government’s role and how the government conducted itself. (not well)

But along with this narrative there are plenty of interesting stories and information which enliven the entire read.

So get yourself a copy and buy one as a gift for a friend so you can give the impression that you are an intelligent being passing out knowledge. Clever, YES?


Welcome to Tubularsock. Today Tubularsock was contacted by a person that Tubularsock has the deepest respect for when it comes to flushing out “feelings, attitudes and heart-focused focus”.

Tubularsock’s response to this approach is really base and functionary, fucking throw a grenade into that fucking mess!

Yet, Tubularsock is going to attempt to connect with his “feminine” side and attempt a compassionate approach to why Kennedy is so blinded from reality when it comes to Israel and that fucking zionist sicko BenjaminBibiNetanyahu! A downright pathetic individual who Tubularsock would gladly DRAW AND QUARTER in the market square!

Of course this would be a major shift from Tubularsock’s non-violent view …

Well there are exceptions.

That is why Tubularsock wishes to have you pay attention and contribute YOUR THOUGHTS to this presentation as opposed to Tubularsock’s focus. So please express your view on this information and we’ll set Tubularsock on the shelf for now with his full of box grenades. They are cheaper by the dozen!


The Concept vs. the Real (Guest Blog in incognito.)

Hi Tube—
Many persons I know who were initially buoyed by the announcement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Presidential run as an independent candidate, now find themselves,
as I do, struggling with the seeming incongruity between who he SEEMS to be, and his unwavering defense of the Israelis’ unrelenting and indiscriminate bombardment of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

This very intelligent and gutsy man, who seems to have a real vision for our country,
who is awake to the veneer used to justify the war in Ukraine—how is it that he can continue to back the Israeli atrocities in Gaza that seem to so perfectly mirror the Nazi atrocities in Germany?

Chris Hedges says it’s an issue of . . .
“. . . there (being) a heavy political price to pay for defying Israel, whose overt interference in our political process makes the most tepid protests about Israeli policy a political death wish. To stand up to Israel has a political cost few, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are willing to pay. But if you do stand up, it singles you out as someone who puts principles before expediency, who is willing to fight for the wretched of the earth and, if necessary, sacrifice your political future to retain your integrity. Kennedy fails this crucial test of political and moral courage.”
(Read Hedges’ article at https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/robert-f-kennedy-jr-the-israel-lobbys))

Hedges may be entirely correct.
Yet I still have difficulty accepting this as the whole explanation for such a seemingly UN-understandable stance on Kennedy’s part.
Thinking and integrous persons and Kennedy-advisors like Charles Eisenstein (an American public speaker, teacher and author) are still supporting Kennedy in hopes he will change his position, despite their own views on the Israeli genocide in Gaza being completely contrary to his. (Though others—like former campaign-manager Dennis Kucinich— have quit the campaign over the issue.)

As I continued to explore the question in myself, I began to look at the power of CONCEPTS that are challenged by REALITY—or by “what is so”, what is REAL, what is before one’s PHYSICAL EYES . . .

I recalled vividly my own struggle to leave a toxic and abusive family relationship which my INTELLECT and SENSES could clearly see was terribly destructive

for all, yet I found myself totally stuck emotionally, psychologically, and

on a deep, almost-soul level with the IDEA, the CONCEPT of “the SACREDNESS OF THE FAMILY” (“You can NOT forsake your family!”)

The CONCEPT had such a powerful hold on me, that despite therapy and other support, despite looking directly at the REALITY of the abuse, it took me to near-death (literally) to break the stranglehold of the CONCEPT I held (or in a sense the concept that HELD ME), and to finally close the door on the relationship.

As I recalled my own situation, the question came to mind: Could Kennedy be caught so deeply in the CONCEPT, or the IDEA of the Zionist IDEAL of Israel . . .
that 20,000 dead bodies flashing over and over again on the internet and television screens can not penetrate the power of THE IDEA, THE CONCEPT of “Israel” that he holds?

Both Kennedy’s father (RFK Sr.) and his uncle (JFK) were die-hard supporters of Israel.
Family imprinting and “agreements” may weigh in here.
What happens when BELIEFS and IDEAS and CONCEPTS that are made into “sacred cows” (all of which can be basically of enormous value and correctness)—are confronted with PHYSICAL, TANGIBLE REALITY?
When CONCEPT meets REALITY. . . .
When the physical REAL challenges or strips the CONCEPT of its validity . . .